Wednesday, August 19, 2009


OK -- I just got stressed out (i.e. angry in the blood) while reading anti-twilight stuff (I'm opposed to Twilight -- and the things these people said got me rallied up for a protest) so I decided to make some tea. I make amazing tea -- I use tea bags, just for referance. But, here's my recipe for good time, anti-stress tea.

Mackenzie's Anti-Stress Tea

Things you need:

1 mint tea bag of your choice
1 honey bear (optional)
Enough water to fill your cup/mug up 4/5 or about an inch from the top
Chocolate Syrup

Boil your water. Use a kettle, use a pot, use a microwave, whatever.
Pour water into mug/cup -- 'til there's water an inch from the top
Use mint tea bag on water -- how strong you like it is up to you.
Add as much milk as you usually do -- same with the sugar.
Pour about three tablespoons of Chocolate syrup into tea -- actually, just do it to your own taste specifications.
Add about a teaspoon of honey, if you do that. This is actually my first time using honey on tea -- it's kinda . . . eh. It adds an extra bite of sweetness that I like to get from coffee and hot chocolate -- so, it's good. This is personally the way I like my tea. If you'd like to subsitute cinnamon for chocolate, go for it. If you wanna use molasses instead of honey, go for it! You're in control!

*** I'd, once again, like to remind readers that Banned Book week is coming up -- September 26 to October 3. There'll be a lot of goodies that week -- so stop by and see what's cooking!

1 comment:

  1. The tea sounds interesting. Thanks for stopping by TDZ. -- Dee
